Adamsville Church of God
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Jesus cared about children, and so do we! The Adamsville Kids children's department seeks to cooperate with the home in providing Christian nurture, teaching, and evangelism to boys and girls. Many exciting opportunities for involvement are offered to both children and adults interested in this ministry


Quality nursery care is provided for all regular services. The ministry occurs in a pleasant, cheerful facility with caring personnel in attendance. Parents will be notified promptly if problems develop or their assistance is needed. This service is available for infants and toddlers up to two years of age.

Children’s Church

 During the Sunday morning worship service, children (ages 2-3) are involved in a class on their level with crafts, music, Bible lessons, and other special activities.
  • Kid’s Korner is a worship service for kindergarten age children designed to meet the needs of pre-schoolers by utilizing a variety of musical and visual techniques. The aim is to plant the Word of God in the hearts of small children on their own level.
  • Kid’s Kingdom is a worship service format for children in the primary and junior age grouping (ages 6-12). There are exciting object lessons, audio-visuals, music, and a mini-sermon relating to children on their level of understanding.

Girls Clubs

The purpose of girls clubs is to encourage spiritual growth to provide opportunities to develop personal abilities and skills, to aid in finding a place of service, and to provide wholesome fellowship and recreation.

Royal Rangers

The Royal Rangers is a boys club that provides outdoor activities with a Christian emphasis. It includes camping, games, trips, athletics, stories, awards, nature study, hobbies, crafts, skills, collections, ceremonies and pow-wows. Each activity is geared to one purpose – reaching, teaching, and winning boys to Christ.